
Mostrando las entradas de septiembre, 2019


Hi  Bloggers . I have never really had a birthday that surprised me or kept it my heart as a beautiful memory, and I don’t like celebrating my birthdays either. But there is something about my birthday that I adore, and it is to celebrate my twin sister’s birthday. I love to share birthdays with my sister, when we were girls they gave us the same toys but in different colors and when we grew our parent’s gifts were more personalized… but our uncles and cousins keep giving us the same thigs but of different color. This year it was a red backpack for me and a green one for my sister. Sometimes it is difficult to agree to go out to celebrate our birthday, she just wanna make a big party full of many friends, instead I just want to go to a park and lie on the grass sleeping or reading a book. But I always end up doing what she wants. I work hard to give you the best gift of all, I don’t care if I have to go far from my house to find it, if she wants to have that gift I w