
Jane Austen, my favorite writer

I would like to talk to you about one of my favorite English literature writers, Jane Austen . I read one of his books for the first time at age 19. Some may not know who he is, but the vast majority of people know one of his novels, Pride and Prejudice . I read almost all his novels and I have seen all the films of his works, I admire her a lot, she was a brilliant woman. I would like to know what motivated you to write, so many wonderful love novels .  I would like to know what motivated you to write, so many wonderful love novels , the man he loved could never be with her, he loved her too, but his family needed him to marry a rich woman so as not to fall into misery .  nevertheless it is said that they always loved each other, when he married and had his first daughter called her Jane . I would like to ask her if the novel Pride and Prejudice is the happy ending she never had, since in the novel the protagonist and her sister do manage to marry the love of their lives

my favorite person

hello!  in this occasion I will tell you about my sister . I like to talk about her, she is my favorite person in the world. She complements me, makes my days happy, loves me very much and when I'm sad she sleeps with me until I fall asleep. I can't imagine not seeing her every day, being twins we always share everything. and we have always been together, I share everything with her, my thoughts, my emotions, and my clothes hahaha …She is generous, knows how to listen and gives good advice. Sometimes we fight, but we reconcile a few seconds later, we don't like to be fighting. we always support each other, even when we lied to mom. H as been in the most important moments, she makes my important moments . I can not imagine having a sister other than her, I have always thought that joining the two in one person would be a perfect woman hahaha … She is very good at communicating, likes to talk to people and knows how to party, but I'm horrible at it, however I


Hello partners! I really don’t know if there is a planet to live in 10 years, with climate change we may all be dead, but well. In 10 more years I imagine titled of architecture, maybe working in an office or municipality. I think it’s the only thing I have defined as a goal in the future, I really haven’t planned anything else. I know that will live alone, I will no longer live with my parents, and maybe I have my unemployed sister living with me from time to time, I am sure I will have a dog or a cat, maybe both. I have not thought about having children, maybe I have children if I marry, but I doubt that happens. I would like to travel a lot, first travel with my family, then only with my sister and finally travel alone, I would like to live another country for a while, but speak Spanish because I am too bad to learn languages. I don’t have very big goals or that are difficult to accomplish, I settle for living alone in an apartment, with a small dog and working on


Hi  Bloggers . I have never really had a birthday that surprised me or kept it my heart as a beautiful memory, and I don’t like celebrating my birthdays either. But there is something about my birthday that I adore, and it is to celebrate my twin sister’s birthday. I love to share birthdays with my sister, when we were girls they gave us the same toys but in different colors and when we grew our parent’s gifts were more personalized… but our uncles and cousins keep giving us the same thigs but of different color. This year it was a red backpack for me and a green one for my sister. Sometimes it is difficult to agree to go out to celebrate our birthday, she just wanna make a big party full of many friends, instead I just want to go to a park and lie on the grass sleeping or reading a book. But I always end up doing what she wants. I work hard to give you the best gift of all, I don’t care if I have to go far from my house to find it, if she wants to have that gift I w

The Simpson family

Hello, today I will talk about the family of an American series called “The Simpson” The Simpson is my favorite series animated, every member of the Simpson family have their own personality. First is Lisa, who is the middle daughter, she is intelligent, fight for your beliefs, is feminist and vegetarian. Bart is the older brother of Lisa, he is naughty, a little evil, but he would never hurt his sisters or his mother… he would hurt his father (in fact always pity). The younger sister is Maggie; she is a baby and loves her pacifier, is intelligent as his sister and defend the other babies. Homer is the father of the three children, he is alcoholic and fat, is a terrible father and husband, sometimes he is violent with Bart, but he loves his family very much and would do anything for them. Marge is the mother of the three children and is Homer´s wife, she is a good mother, she worries that her family is well, and lover her Homer in spite of her defects. The Simpson family is a

blog fau

Hi Fau Bloggers: I remenber when i went to the beach  ... ( i think i was 8 or 9 years old)  i don`t remember if it was in Viña del mar or Reñaca, but it was in the fifth region  . My father had saved a lot for the trip, since wa hadn`t dated two years ago. He promised us great fish for dinner, and ride a boat. My sister was very afraid of the idea of ride a boat, but my mother never let go of her hand, that calmed her a little. when we got off the boat, we went straight to eat that promised fish. the waitress looked at my sister and me, as we twins we were dressed in the same clothes, she found it adorable